Innovation and Technology

Incubating Entrepreneurs
How a collaborative team of faculty and students is giving startup founders a fast start on their entrepreneurial adventure By…

Is Your Smartphone Draining Your Brain?
Adrian Ward has dared to question everyone’s favorite tech device. His findings will doubtless open further inquiry and perhaps spur…

Q&A: Why Formula E Is Eyeing a New Market
In the race to engage millennials, Formula E didn’t bother to ask anyone what they wanted. So how has it…

Birth of a Technopolis
Entrepreneurship initiatives begun 40 years ago created a launchpad for global leadership By Bradley Keoun Houstonian Scott Tynes came to…

How to be a Creative Genius
It may seem like an elusive thing, reserved for the likes of Picasso or even Elon Musk. But each of…

Mapping a Manager’s Brain on Incentives
How do incentives affect a person’s decisions? Researchers give managers an fMRI to find out. By Steve Brooks Can restructuring a…

CEO Politics Can Spur (or Stifle) Business Innovation
Political affiliation offers more reliable clues about a CEO’s inclination to take risks than factors like age or education By…

Cybersecurity Conundrum
McCombs experts weigh in on the growing digital threat. By Mary Ann Roser THE NEWS THAT Russians hacked the Democratic National…

Avoiding Catastrophe: A New Way Retailers Can Stock for Hurricanes
McCombs professors have developed a better way to get supplies to customers before the next storm strikes. For retailers with locations…

An Interview with Slack’s April Underwood
How skillful management took this champion connector to Google, Twitter, and beyond By Cynthia Hanson APRIL UNDERWOOD, BBA ’01, is…

Spam Shaming to Improve Cybersecurity
The effects of hacking can be dire for a company’s finances and reputation, but companies are loath to invest in…

The Biggest Myth Isn’t That Unicorns Are Real, But That They’re Rare
Unicorns, once scarce, now number close to 150. A new analysis from McCombs examines how they’ll shake up financial markets…

An Interview with Venture Capitalist Bill Gurley, MBA ’93
On entrepreneurs, high-tech startups, and launching a Silicon Valley career By Fred VogelsteinPhotographs by Timothy Archibald ASK FOR A LIST OF…

Business Genius Can Be Borrowed
Research rooted in cognitive psychology explains how bold, new business models are often copied from other industries By Steve Brooks…

Do We Overeat Because It’s “Healthy”?
Terms like “all-natural” and “organic” may actually trigger overeating By Adrienne Dawson Before you even consider a food’s calorie count,…

How to Manage Life When an Entrepreneur’s Work is so Much More Than a Job
Venture rounds. Vision statements. Market validation. Customer service. Conference calls. Client demands. Not to mention date night, soccer practice, and…

Aristotle’s Advice for Entrepreneurs
When it comes to modern-day entrepreneurship, the ancient Greeks have something to say about why entrepreneurs often fail to close…

How Strangers Unlock Our Creativity
Our networks are full of friends, family, and people just like us, and that’s killing our creativity. Professor John Daly…

A New Playbook for Innovation
Have the courage to be bad. You can’t be innovative in one area if you’re trying to be the best…

Open Up and Say ‘Aha’: Encouraging Health Workers to Share Good Ideas
Hospital staffers don’t always go to managers with their ideas for improving patient care. Research prescribes methods for getting them…

Data: The Next Frontier
In its unrefined state data, is difficult to use. It must be cleaned and organized before it can be truly…

Can Music Survive the Music Industry?
Working musicians have a determined ally in Gary Powell. He talks about the hard realities of making a living in…

The See-Food Diet: How Transparent Packaging Affects Eating Habits
Certain foods are more tempting when they come in clear packaging, while others are more popular when presented in paper…

Want More Creative Employees? Look to Your Company’s Management
Companies should provide managers with the incentive, power, and resources to turn their employee’s creative ideas into reality By Jeremy…

Brilliant Ideas Still Need to Be Sold
How to shape opinion, inspire action, and achieve results. By Erin Geisler History is replete with examples of brilliant ideas that…