
How Do People Excuse Their Bad Actions?
Why humans use complex mental strategies to balance their moral bank accounts. A Q&A with Texas McCombs faculty members Robert…

Gift Advances McCombs Center for Leadership and Ethics
Houston energy finance leader Marshall Eubank gives $1 million for programming that affects every student at Texas McCombs Marshall Eubank,…

Using Moral Imagination to Fight the Coronavirus
Why thinking about others can help us overcome COVID-19 We’ve seen both the best — and worst — of people during the coronavirus pandemic.…

Building an Ethical Culture
Focusing employee attention on a company’s mission promotes workplace values Ethical scandals in business are often attributed to “bad apples”…

Want to Stop a Whistleblower? Listen Carefully.
Companies that establish a culture of respect can identify and resolve problems before a whistle is blown. By Jeremy M. Simon…

Fresh Focus
Stacey Rudnick takes the helm of McCombs’ Center for Leadership and Ethics Stacey Rudnick, longtime director of McCombs MBA Career…

Lessons from Birmingham Jail
Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy offers lessons about the qualities and responsibilities of an effective leader Statue of Martin Luther…