Research and Insights from Texas McCombs

Q&A: Does Public School Choice Make Schools Better?
Cities from Dallas to Boston to San Francisco use public school choice methods for matching kids to campuses, but policy…

Want to Be a Better Negotiator? Understand Your Adversary
If you go into a negotiation just hoping to do your best, you won’t By Jeremy Simon You may not…

You’re Speaking Up. Why Isn’t Your Boss Listening?
According to research, supervisors develop selective hearing when it comes to feedback By Steve Brooks Picture this: Your boss has…

Do We Overeat Because It’s “Healthy”?
Terms like “all-natural” and “organic” may actually trigger overeating By Adrienne Dawson Before you even consider a food’s calorie count,…

How to Manage Life When an Entrepreneur’s Work is so Much More Than a Job
Venture rounds. Vision statements. Market validation. Customer service. Conference calls. Client demands. Not to mention date night, soccer practice, and…

Can You Read a Group? This New Test Will Tell
Most managers can gauge an employee’s emotions one-on-one, but can they do it with a group? By Steve Brooks Observe a…

To Motivate Your Employees, Let Them Work From Home
In 2013, Yahoo stopped allowing employees to work remotely, but research shows that decision may have reduced workers’ productivity By…

How Strangers Unlock Our Creativity
Our networks are full of friends, family, and people just like us, and that’s killing our creativity. Professor John Daly…

Beyond the Brothel: Can We Break the Global Human Trafficking Cycle?
Human trafficking is a global epidemic that claims millions of women and children as victims, and its reach extends far…

Americans: Living Rich, Retiring Poor
What you will need to retire, and why so many in the U.S. are financially unprepared for the future By…

Open Up and Say ‘Aha’: Encouraging Health Workers to Share Good Ideas
Hospital staffers don’t always go to managers with their ideas for improving patient care. Research prescribes methods for getting them…

Data: The Next Frontier
In its unrefined state data, is difficult to use. It must be cleaned and organized before it can be truly…

Kill Stress in 5 Minutes or Less
Research reveals effective strategies for overcoming work-related stress, including meditation and seeking positive advice from supportive peers By Jeremy Simon…

Can Music Survive the Music Industry?
Working musicians have a determined ally in Gary Powell. He talks about the hard realities of making a living in…

Hurricane Season Could Bring Higher Energy Prices
In addition to causing millions of dollars in property damage, hurricanes also create volatility in the prices of oil and…

The See-Food Diet: How Transparent Packaging Affects Eating Habits
Certain foods are more tempting when they come in clear packaging, while others are more popular when presented in paper…

How to Deal With Negative People
The key to dealing with negative people is understanding the reasons for their negativity, which are often rooted in fear…

Want More Creative Employees? Look to Your Company’s Management
Companies should provide managers with the incentive, power, and resources to turn their employee’s creative ideas into reality By Jeremy…

Red Wine, Soap Operas, and Other Surprises Await Travelers in the Arab World
Despite unsettling headlines from the Middle East and North Africa, Professor Vijay Mahajan says consumer markets there are robust and…

Ethics in the Workplace
Encouraging competition among co-workers can backfire on organizations, causing inter-office conflict By Jeremy Simon Workers looking to earn a bonus…

Brilliant Ideas Still Need to Be Sold
How to shape opinion, inspire action, and achieve results. By Erin Geisler History is replete with examples of brilliant ideas that…

Professor Sheds Light on the Ethical Failings of the Human Brain
Why do ‘good people’ do bad things? Robert Prentice explains that when it comes to acting ethically, your ego is…