Research and Insights from Texas McCombs

A Learning Revolution
The McCombs response: Necessity closes school’s classrooms and gives birth to innovations By Matt W. Turner Illustration by Michael Driver When…

Companies Take Risks When Making Secret Political Contributions
‘Covert’ sponsorship of an embattled nonprofit — identified by a whistleblower — drove investors to sell off companies’ stock Based on the research of…

Housing Speculators Could Bring on Repeat Crash
Housing speculation inflated a third of the housing bubble that led to the Great Recession. In parts of the country,…

Fraud Revealed as Key to Financial Crash
Fraud in asset-backed securities was an underrated cause of the most recent financial crash — and it could bring on another one…

Three Steps to Better Investing
Advice on selecting mutual funds, listening to CEOs, and considering climate change, courtesy of Texas McCombs research If you’re looking…

Picking a Physician? Don’t Rely on Online Reviews
If you have a chronic disease, relying on review websites for choosing a doctor could be hazardous to your health…

To Demotivate Your Workers, Connect Pay to Hours Clocked
Employees of all ability levels see pay solely based on their hours worked as unfair Based on the research of…

Why Do Nonprofits Misreport Their Financial Performance? It’s About Manager Pay
When you donate, your money often doesn’t support the nonprofit’s mission as much as it says it does. Based on the…

Sellers Who Disclose Prices Can Maximize Profits
To drive up sales, dealers should disclose price at the start of a negotiation Based on the research of Sebastian…

Why You’re Unlikely to Hear About a Company’s Bad Behavior
Oil spill repeat offenders are less likely to receive attention, new research shows Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro…

To Gain Business Skills, Embrace a Learning Mindset
Staying home offers an opportunity for online education, say business professors Feeling isolated at home? When it comes to learning,…

Viral Videos Get a Boost From Sharing Big
Want your videos to go viral? Expand your platforms. Based on the research of Vijay Mahajan Brands that want their…

When We Fear an Awkward Phone Call, We Often Turn to Text
Why making an ‘uncomfortable’ call may be good for our interpersonal connections — and health Based on the research of Amit Kumar…

Tether Connection Puts Bitcoin at Risk
An unstable digital currency called Tether, used for trading better-known currencies such as Bitcoin, could crash the whole crypto market…

Communicating Emotion Effectively in a Virtual World
Keeping close ties at work is increasingly important — and difficult. But research shows it’s possible even in a virtual workplace. Based…

It Only Takes Seconds to Alert Facebook Users to Fake News
Amid a pandemic and looming election, curbing misinformation is urgent Based on the research of Tricia Moravec In the Information…

Facing COVID-19, Some Businesses Should Reopen Before Others
During a pandemic, research shows not all locations ought to be treated the same Based on the research of Avinash…

A Dirty Secret About Cleaning Your Plate
Childhood lessons about not wasting food can backfire on public health, but smart marketing can undo the damage Based on…

Loose Credit Led to Housing Price Bust
Excessive credit supply — not irrational buyer euphoria — was to blame for the 2003–2010 cycle, research shows Based on the research of John…

Planning to Innovate? Prepare to Litigate
Before expanding into new technologies, a company needs the legal firepower to protect itself Based on the research of PK…

How to Win at Crowdfunding
Monitoring a project’s early progress and giving marketing boosts as needed are critical to funding success. Based on the research of…

New Era Requires New Approach to Drug Approvals
With a coming flood of new drugs to fight COVID-19, a study suggests innovative ways for the FDA to speed…

A New Playbook for Marketing
Although marketing remains largely frozen in the 2010s, research shows growing companies are busting boundaries Based on the research of…

Portals to Wellness
Patients who engage with health systems’ online portals spend less time in the hospital, greatly cutting medical costs, researchers find…

Tips for managers of remote workers during stressful times By Kristie J. Loescher Writing about stress in the middle of…

In a Global Crisis, Business Redundancy Can be Efficient
Building strategic redundancy into your operations can help you survive an unexpected disruption — like a pandemic The business world didn’t see…

Using Moral Imagination to Fight the Coronavirus
Why thinking about others can help us overcome COVID-19 We’ve seen both the best — and worst — of people during the coronavirus pandemic.…

Think Taxes When Shopping Mutual Funds
With the right strategy, mutual fund investors can enjoy both low taxes and high returns Based on the research of…

On Corporate Earnings Calls, Investors Can Believe the Hype
The stock market listens to executives who speak in superlatives Based on the research of Jeffrey Hales Don’t believe overblown…

Multitasking on the Job
Employees who like to juggle projects have advantages in the workplace Illustration by Vidhya Nagarajan By Steve Brooks Lisa Simon, MBA…

Earning a More Positive Return
Social and environmental concerns have investors increasingly aiming for a beneficial impact By Meeta Kothare One of my life’s great joys…

To Feel Happier Now, Spend on Doing Rather Than Having
Experiences lead to greater in-the-moment happiness for shoppers than buying material items, new research finds Based on the research of…

Students Who Flex Their Brains Do Better in School
Teaching high schoolers a simple technique improves their academic performance, research shows. Based on the research of Jared Murray Students who learn…

For Big Funds, Changing Climate Means Changing Portfolios
A new poll reveals action on climate change is coming from an unexpected source: institutional investors Based on the research…

To Remove Corporate Bias, Let Algorithms Summarize Earnings
New research finds that algorithm-created corporate earnings summaries offer benefits over management-penned releases Based on the research of Brian White…

Weathering a Partisan Storm
Despite their leaders’ efforts, federal agencies are anchored by mission and statutes — for now While the United States grows increasingly politically…

To Avoid a Repeat of Blackouts, Researcher Suggests Diversifying
Thousands of Californians suffered blackouts this fall, but research offers steps for utilities to prevent similar outages in the future…

The New Laws of Startup Attraction
Tech startups are drawn to cities with small but frequent funding opportunities and plenty of social networking Based on the…

‘Fake News’ Can’t Be Flagged Down
Even when the content is flagged as potentially false, Facebook users believe headlines that align with their political beliefs Based…

The Startup is Ours, but the Idea is Mine
Entrepreneurs can inspire new venture teams by seeking input — with boundaries Based on the research of Steven Gray Illustration by Gabriel Silveira Picture…

The Key to Innovation Sales is Matching Reps with the Right Boss
Researchers find novel product sales require pairing the personalities of supervisor and sales rep. Based on the research of Sebastian…

Music To Suit Your Changing Mood
To improve streaming music playlists, researchers create a “personalized DJ” computer program Based on the research of Maytal Saar-Tsechansky Imagine…

Police Become Less Proactive with Increased Public Scrutiny
Officers aren’t as likely to go ‘above and beyond’ when they feel misunderstood, new research shows Police officers who perceive…

Move Donors to the Head of the Transplant Line?
Accounting research demonstrates how a simple rule change could boost the number of usable organ donations — and save lives Based on…

Cheaters in the Home and at Work
Marital infidelity and professional misconduct linked, study shows People who cheat on their spouses are significantly more likely to engage…

The Big Shift: More Corporate Cash Flows Into the U.S. Than Out
Despite popular belief, all U.S. firms haven’t been sending most of their earnings abroad to dodge taxes, finds a study…

Well-Connected Directors Pay Off in the Long Term
Dumping directors who serve on too many corporate boards can come at a cost: sacrificing long-term investments for quarterly profits…

Three Tips for a Happier Workplace
For better results, prioritize employee well-being Workplaces filled with happy employees experience better performance. So says Raj Raghunathan, a Texas…