Texas McCombs to Host Energy Business Outlook Breakfast in Houston Feb. 28
Experts will discuss energy and the economic cycle and the 2023 prospects for Texas markets, and how businesses can better understand energy disruptions and fluctuations.

Energy experts will address challenges facing the industry at the 2023 Business Outlook meeting Feb. 28 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Houston branch.
The meeting will be hosted by Dean Lillian Mills of the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, and all McCombs alumni and members of the Houston business community are invited. The event includes breakfast and networking.
Mills will moderate a panel of energy experts including David Baldwin, partner in charge of SCF Partners’ energy transition initiatives; Jesse Thompson, senior business economist of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Houston branch; and Laura T. Starks, professor of finance at Texas McCombs.
These experts will discuss energy and the economic cycle, the 2023 prospects for Texas markets, and how businesses can better understand energy disruptions and fluctuations.
“Our relationships with top business leaders contribute greatly to McCombs’ collective energy. This series underscores our human-centered, future-focused values as we offer expertise on where business is headed,” Mills said. “We are eager to hear leaders’ forecasts — after weathering the uncertainties of 2022 — on a range of topics, including inflation, geopolitical instability, rising interest rates and supply chain disruptions.”
In partnership with the Dallas Fed, the annual McCombs Business Outlook series focuses on the near- and longer-term future of three key industries in Texas — fintech/crypto, energy and real estate. Mills will moderate the full series of events at the Federal Reserve Bank branches in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio.
Registration for the Houston event is open through Feb. 24. CPE credits are offered, and no prerequisites or advance preparations are required.
Feb. 28, Houston | Focus on the Future of Energy — Register
Registration Information for the full series of events in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio of the Texas McCombs 2023 Business Outlook
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