Prentice, Robert

11 Big Ideas in Business From 2023
Supermarkets imitate airline pricing, workers strategize about whom to gripe to, and watchdogs uncover $46 billion in COVID loan scams. Research…

How Do People Excuse Their Bad Actions?
Why humans use complex mental strategies to balance their moral bank accounts. A Q&A with Texas McCombs faculty members Robert…

Activism Moves Companies Beyond the Bottom Line
Businesses face increasing pressures — both internal and external — to address political and social issues, experts say Corporations are taking stands in ways…

COVID-19 Under a Business Microscope
As the globe continues to tackle a historic health threat, Texas McCombs researchers are studying business, drug approvals, and more…

Weighing in, in Heavy Times
How McCombs faculty members have advanced and elevated the national conversation around COVID-19 By Judie Kinonen and Mary Ann Roser With…

Using Moral Imagination to Fight the Coronavirus
Why thinking about others can help us overcome COVID-19 We’ve seen both the best — and worst — of people during the coronavirus pandemic.…

Business Honors Background
The recently re-christened Canfield Business Honors Program took decades of development to reach where it is today By London Gibson…

Ethics Demystified
A free video-based ethics curriculum is putting a new face on an age-old problem—and helping educators light a better path…

Who Me, an Inside Trader? Four Ways to be Guilty of Illegal Stock Trading
Some argue that insider trading has its positives, but in most of the developed world, it is severely frowned upon…

Business Ethics Is Not an Oxymoron
Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do. But many people use that reasoning to…

Professor Sheds Light on the Ethical Failings of the Human Brain
Why do ‘good people’ do bad things? Robert Prentice explains that when it comes to acting ethically, your ego is…