SEC’s Terrorism Focus Hinders Financial Oversight
Flagging possible dealings with a state sponsor of terrorism led to missed errors in financial reporting Based on the research…

McCombs No. 10 Worldwide for Faculty Research
McCombs hits top 10 for publication prowess of its faculty in the world’s top business journals Texas McCombs rose two…

Fighting Bias in Machine Learning
Improving fairness in the life-changing decisions made with algorithms Technology can help us make better decisions. But it can also…

Sorry, Siri: Drawbacks to Algorithms Sounding Too Human
In online marketing, consumers more readily forgive algorithm errors — unless the algorithm pretends to be human Based on the research of…

The Role of the Office in a Post-COVID World
A year of remote work will have lasting effects, expert says When COVID-19 emptied office buildings around the globe early…

Mapping a Year of Disruption
[VIDEO] Admiral Bobby Inman gives his take on global hotspots and a full year of the global pandemic and its…

New Highs for MBA Programs and Specialties in U.S. News Ranking
The Texas McCombs Full-Time and Working Professional MBAs held steady at high ranks while the executive program hit a historic…

To Guard Against Hostile Takeovers, Worried CEOs Emphasize Bad News
Chief executives focus on the negative to protect their companies, new research shows Based on the research of Shuping Chen…

Let Consumers, Not Banks, Control Their Personal Financial Data
The result? Better terms from banks and insurers. Based on the research of Cesare Fracassi In the online world where…

Watch Me Work
Workplaces that monitor employees can learn something from police attitudes around wearing body cameras Based on the research of Shefali Patil…