AI for Mom & Pop
Rachel Woods, MIS ’18, Wants to Make Artificial Intelligence Accessible to Any Small Business by Omar L. Gallaga By the…

AI in Action
Apptronik Co-Founder Jeff Cardenas, BBA ’08, MSTC ’13, is Building Humanoid Robots, Powered by Artifical Intelligence by Omar L. Gallaga …

How AI Affects Our Sense of Self
And Why It Matters for Business by Gizem Yalcin Williams and Stefano PuntoniIllustration by Kacper Kiec If you ever took…

Meet the Mulvas
Meet the Mulvas Namesakes Of Future Undergraduate Building Are Driven By Family, Faith, And Community A DECADE AGO, WHEN MIRIAM…

The Early Investors
ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF TEXAS McCOMBS HAVE PLEDGED their support to building a $425 million undergraduate business school, Mulva Hall.…

Preparing for an AI-Driven Workplace
Texas McCombs Students Meet the Demands of a Rapidly Evolving Job Market by Sharon Jayson | Illustration by Matt Chinworth…

A Vision With A View
A Vision With A View Making A Statement With Mulva Hall, A New Undergraduate Building That Casts An Unblinking Gaze…

Time to Mentor
Connect with McCombs to find a way to mentor that’s right for you Texas McCombs is known as a connector,…

To End Multinational Tax Dodging, Global Coordination Is Key
When a country cracks down on corporate taxes, domestic companies pay more, but multinationals pay less Based on the research of…

To Keep Volunteers, Connect Them
For struggling organizations, fostering social connections can help recruit and retain scarce volunteers Based on the research of Yifan Yu…