
Incentivize Activity, Not Just Sales
Paying workers simply to take action — like making more sales calls — improves results for their company Based on the research of Raghunath…

Virtual Reality Provides Real-Life Sales Forecasts
Having shoppers test in-the-pipeline products means companies can develop more user-friendly durable goods Based on the research of Sebastian Hohenberg…

Sellers Who Disclose Prices Can Maximize Profits
To drive up sales, dealers should disclose price at the start of a negotiation Based on the research of Sebastian…

The Key to Innovation Sales is Matching Reps with the Right Boss
Researchers find novel product sales require pairing the personalities of supervisor and sales rep. Based on the research of Sebastian…

In Sales Force Incentives, Give Choice a Chance
Want to get more sales out of a sales contest? Let your sellers pick their own incentives. Based on the…