Venture Capital

Scouting Europe’s Scene for Startups
Alex von Frankenburg, MBA ’92 , directs High-Tech Gründerfonds Alex von Frankenberg funds innovative startups at a German venture capital…

Investing in Private Equity Education
How the Hicks, Muse, Tate, and Furst Center for Private Equity Finance ushered in a new era at McCombs. By Judie…

Incubating Entrepreneurs
How a collaborative team of faculty and students is giving startup founders a fast start on their entrepreneurial adventure By…

The Biggest Myth Isn’t That Unicorns Are Real, But That They’re Rare
Unicorns, once scarce, now number close to 150. A new analysis from McCombs examines how they’ll shake up financial markets…

An Interview with Venture Capitalist Bill Gurley, MBA ’93
On entrepreneurs, high-tech startups, and launching a Silicon Valley career By Fred VogelsteinPhotographs by Timothy Archibald ASK FOR A LIST OF…