
Regulatory Tech Costs Can Have Benefits, Too
Billions spent on technology to comply with regulations can pay unexpected dividends Based on the Research of Zachary Kowaleski RegTech…

Vote McCombs for SXSW 2024
Texas McCombs hopes to send business faculty and alumni experts as featured speakers — on everything from health information sharing to sustainable…

The Kozmetsky Effect
How a tech visionary transformed McCombs and helped create the modern Austin By Steve Brooks To keep track of his…

Digital Tech Helps Nations Leapfrog Development
Digital technologies are helping India and Kenya find 21st century solutions to 19th century problems Based on the research of…

Facing the Future
After decades studying technology, a researcher predicts what’s next in AI, bitcoin, and the post-pandemic workplace The future has been…

Nursing Texas back to economic health
Experts at a pair of McCombs Business Forecast events offer prescriptions and prognoses for Texas’ ailing economy By Judie Kinonen Dr.…

Startups Lose Innovative Edge Under Corporate Funding
When an established tech company invests in a startup, innovation suffers Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro Jr. When a…

Planning to Innovate? Prepare to Litigate
Before expanding into new technologies, a company needs the legal firepower to protect itself Based on the research of PK…

Modernizing U.S. Army Moves to Austin
Army Futures Command taps into capital city’s culture of innovation General John Murray, commanding general of the Army Futures Command,…

Head in the Cloud
Emil Sayegh, MSTC ’96, discusses the past, present, and future of cloud computing By London Gibson Emil Sayegh got into…

10 Tips for Business Success in 2019
Research tips from Texas McCombs will improve your workday and sharpen your focus. Last year’s business insights can lead to this…

Bitcoin Is Hip, Cool, and Nothing New
Cryptocurrencies are technologically alluring and addictingly cool. History tells us neither quality makes bitcoin a wise investment — a lesson illustrated by…

Autonomous Cars and the Coming Revolution
Insights about the transportation industry’s imminent transformation — and the potential disruptions that may follow By Edgar Varela, MBA ’18 When the…

Incubating Entrepreneurs
How a collaborative team of faculty and students is giving startup founders a fast start on their entrepreneurial adventure By…

Is Your Smartphone Draining Your Brain?
Adrian Ward has dared to question everyone’s favorite tech device. His findings will doubtless open further inquiry and perhaps spur…

Cybersecurity Conundrum
McCombs experts weigh in on the growing digital threat. By Mary Ann Roser THE NEWS THAT Russians hacked the Democratic National…

An Interview with Slack’s April Underwood
How skillful management took this champion connector to Google, Twitter, and beyond By Cynthia Hanson APRIL UNDERWOOD, BBA ’01, is…

Spam Shaming to Improve Cybersecurity
The effects of hacking can be dire for a company’s finances and reputation, but companies are loath to invest in…

The Biggest Myth Isn’t That Unicorns Are Real, But That They’re Rare
Unicorns, once scarce, now number close to 150. A new analysis from McCombs examines how they’ll shake up financial markets…

An Interview with Venture Capitalist Bill Gurley, MBA ’93
On entrepreneurs, high-tech startups, and launching a Silicon Valley career By Fred VogelsteinPhotographs by Timothy Archibald ASK FOR A LIST OF…