Social Media

12 Business Lessons We Learned in 2022
Social sharing leads to false expertise, attractive auditors get more jobs, and marketing expertise makes for entrepreneurial success. Business faculty…

I Share, Therefore I Know
Sharing articles on social media, even when we haven’t read them, can lead us to believe we are experts on…

Brain Monitoring Shows How To Avoid Being Duped on Social Media
Research on scrolling with skepticism finds asking yourself key questions activates the critical thinking centers of the brain Based on…

Passion and Purpose
Kevin Curry, BBA ’04, found his direction and destiny with his health and nutrition brand, FitMenCook By Alberta Phillips Photographs…

It Only Takes Seconds to Alert Facebook Users to Fake News
Amid a pandemic and looming election, curbing misinformation is urgent Based on the research of Tricia Moravec In the Information…

‘Fake News’ Can’t Be Flagged Down
Even when the content is flagged as potentially false, Facebook users believe headlines that align with their political beliefs Based…

How One App’s Buyout Can Boost Competitors
When Facebook bought Instagram, competing apps were expected to vanish. Instead, some actually gained users. Based on the research of Ashish Agarwal…

In Social Media Age, New Products Need New Marketing Ideas
Consumers often look to other consumers before deciding to try a new product. But in the world of social networks,…

Digital Activism
Award-winning research examines how shaking up tactics led to more online engagement for advocacy groups. Illustration by Spur Design A few years…