
To Keep Volunteers, Connect Them
For struggling organizations, fostering social connections can help recruit and retain scarce volunteers Based on the research of Yifan Yu…

Companies Take Risks When Making Secret Political Contributions
‘Covert’ sponsorship of an embattled nonprofit — identified by a whistleblower — drove investors to sell off companies’ stock Based on the research of…

Why Do Nonprofits Misreport Their Financial Performance? It’s About Manager Pay
When you donate, your money often doesn’t support the nonprofit’s mission as much as it says it does. Based on the…

Investing in Philanthropy
New MBA course teaches students to evaluate nonprofit success By Jeremy M. Simon UT doctoral student Durrell Jamerson-Barnes (upper left),…

Alumni Profile: Different Dream
Anish Malpani, BBA ’12, dropped his corporate job in New York City to work for a nonprofit fighting poverty in…

Serving the City
44 MBA students are volunteering their skills and insights on behalf of local Austin nonprofits By Jeremy M. Simon Angela…