
Passion and Purpose
Kevin Curry, BBA ’04, found his direction and destiny with his health and nutrition brand, FitMenCook By Alberta Phillips Photographs…

The Strategist Behind Dell Medical School’s Value-Based Health Care Vision
Elizabeth Teisberg is focused on establishing a comprehensive new kind of health care system that costs less and delivers more.…

Reimagining the Future of America’s Health Care System
The amount the U.S. spends on health care is on par with peer countries, but many in America are getting…

Do We Overeat Because It’s “Healthy”?
Terms like “all-natural” and “organic” may actually trigger overeating By Adrienne Dawson Before you even consider a food’s calorie count,…

Open Up and Say ‘Aha’: Encouraging Health Workers to Share Good Ideas
Hospital staffers don’t always go to managers with their ideas for improving patient care. Research prescribes methods for getting them…