
A Little Good Goes Farther Than You Think
People are touched by small kindnesses and led to greater generosity, new research shows Based on the research of Amit…

To Feel Happier Now, Spend on Doing Rather Than Having
Experiences lead to greater in-the-moment happiness for shoppers than buying material items, new research finds Based on the research of…

McCombs Launches Open Online Course on Happiness in the Workplace
McCombs’ new online course, Happier Employees and Return on Investment, is now open for enrollment. If you want a better…

Three Tips for a Happier Workplace
For better results, prioritize employee well-being Workplaces filled with happy employees experience better performance. So says Raj Raghunathan, a Texas…

How To Be Happier
Feeling blue? Check out these tips for seeing the brighter side of life from professor and happiness expert Raj Raghunathan.…

If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy?
McCombs professor Raj Raghunathan explains why happiness is elusive and what you can do today to make changes that count. By…

How to Deal With Negative People
The key to dealing with negative people is understanding the reasons for their negativity, which are often rooted in fear…