Research and Insights from Texas McCombs

Acquisitions Can Nix Existing Partnerships
When one company buys another, alliances sometimes become collateral damage Based on the research of Ram Ranganathan Business alliances are…

One-Time Tax Items Aren’t Earnings Misconduct
Nonrecurring income taxes reflect mostly economic causes, not management manipulation Based on the research of Lillian Mills When investors try to…

Algorithms for Hiring: Bias In, Bias Out
There’s a better way to make algorithms fairer in dealing with race and gender Based on the research of Maria…

Don’t Complain to These Co-Workers
Before speaking up at work, employees should consider whether they’re talking to the right person Based on the research of…

Vaccination Gets a Boost When People Know Their Neighbors Are Doing it
Massive new global experiment shows people underestimate others’ COVID-19 vaccination status and could benefit from accurate data Based on the…

COVID ‘Motherhood Penalty’ Affects Academic Research Productivity
During lockdown, production of working research papers in economics and finance increased, except by women between the ages of 35…

Audits Can Bring Bad News or Benefits to Small Businesses
IRS review might spell the end of a small company — or teach it to be more efficient — according to a new study…

Breaking Good: Focused Work Breaks Boost Productivity
By treating downtime like the sidelines of a sporting event, workers can more quickly get back up to speed Based…

Female Execs Hone Customer Strategy
Women in leadership boost customer satisfaction and financials — especially in certain environments Based on the research of Chandra Srivastava and Vijay…

Genders Should Unite for Workplace Equity
Managers give more support to gender equity and women’s advancement when men become allies Based on the research of Insiya…

I Share, Therefore I Know
Sharing articles on social media, even when we haven’t read them, can lead us to believe we are experts on…

A Little Good Goes Farther Than You Think
People are touched by small kindnesses and led to greater generosity, new research shows Based on the research of Amit…

Tweeting Their Way to Higher Pay
C-level executives can advance job prospects through personal branding on social media, study shows. Based on the research of Andrew Whinston…

Rule of Law Protects National Economies
When employers and the courts consistently keep promises, workers keep the economy on an even keel Based on the research…

Knowledge-Diverse Work Teams Benefit From Fluid Hierarchies
Shifting member influence benefits diverse teams’ problem solving, but not among homogeneous groups, according to new research Based on the…

Reached Your Entrepreneurial Limit? Hire a Marketer
New research shows marketing specialists drive growth for small businesses and early-stage ventures Based on the research of Stephen J. Anderson…

Execs Passed Over for CEO Find Better Jobs
Those who lose out as chief executive often move on — and up — with another company, new research shows. Based on the research of…

Brain Monitoring Shows How To Avoid Being Duped on Social Media
Research on scrolling with skepticism finds asking yourself key questions activates the critical thinking centers of the brain Based on…

Digital Tech Helps Nations Leapfrog Development
Digital technologies are helping India and Kenya find 21st century solutions to 19th century problems Based on the research of…

Want to Stress-Proof Your Office? Let Workers Show Their True Colors
Workplace friendships suffered during the pandemic, but trust mitigated the damage, according to new research Based on the research of…

Auditing Committees Hire Handsome Partners
Does your audit committee lack Big Four experience? They’re more likely to select an outside auditor for their good looks. Based…

Work Teams With More Freedom Perform Better
Software teams improved productivity and customer satisfaction when the company took a hands-off approach. Based on the research of Indranil Bardhan…

A Better Way to Make Risky Decisions
From predicting the weather to developing pharmaceuticals, we can measure risk using decision analysis Based on the research of Jim Dyer…

Workplace Injuries Decline After Private Equity Buyouts
Companies see annual injuries per employee fall by up to 15% following a PE acquisition Based on the research of…

To Deepen Connections, Skip the Small Talk
Want to build relationships and feel happier? New research suggests we get personal Based on the research of Amit Kumar…

We’re Not as Smart as Google Makes Us Think We Are
Looking up answers online can leave us overconfident about what we know Based on the research of Adrian Ward From the…

Online Attention Predicts Stock Returns
To forecast returns, a new research-based tool tracks internet stock discussion Based on the research of Ashish Agarwal In recent…

How Images Get Consumers to Time Travel
First-of-its-kind study looks at visual entropy’s connection to buying behavior Based on the research of Raj Raghunathan and Adrian Ward…

Crowdfunding Succeeds When Asks Are Timed Right
Apply this research-based strategy to know when to contact key donors — and whom to save for the last minute Based on…

Incentivize Activity, Not Just Sales
Paying workers simply to take action — like making more sales calls — improves results for their company Based on the research of Raghunath…

More Direct Flights, Improved Organ Donations
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers looked at the impact of direct airline flights on kidney sharing and transplantation. Based on…

9 Research-Based Revelations About Multitasking
Think you’re great at completing multiple tasks at the same time? A new study shows why you’re probably wrong. Based on…

Activism Moves Companies Beyond the Bottom Line
Businesses face increasing pressures — both internal and external — to address political and social issues, experts say Corporations are taking stands in ways…

Virtual Reality Provides Real-Life Sales Forecasts
Having shoppers test in-the-pipeline products means companies can develop more user-friendly durable goods Based on the research of Sebastian Hohenberg…

Facing the Future
After decades studying technology, a researcher predicts what’s next in AI, bitcoin, and the post-pandemic workplace The future has been…

SEC’s Terrorism Focus Hinders Financial Oversight
Flagging possible dealings with a state sponsor of terrorism led to missed errors in financial reporting Based on the research…

Fighting Bias in Machine Learning
Improving fairness in the life-changing decisions made with algorithms Technology can help us make better decisions. But it can also…

Sorry, Siri: Drawbacks to Algorithms Sounding Too Human
In online marketing, consumers more readily forgive algorithm errors — unless the algorithm pretends to be human Based on the research of…

The Role of the Office in a Post-COVID World
A year of remote work will have lasting effects, expert says When COVID-19 emptied office buildings around the globe early…

Mapping a Year of Disruption
[VIDEO] Admiral Bobby Inman gives his take on global hotspots and a full year of the global pandemic and its…

To Guard Against Hostile Takeovers, Worried CEOs Emphasize Bad News
Chief executives focus on the negative to protect their companies, new research shows Based on the research of Shuping Chen…

Let Consumers, Not Banks, Control Their Personal Financial Data
The result? Better terms from banks and insurers. Based on the research of Cesare Fracassi In the online world where…

Watch Me Work
Workplaces that monitor employees can learn something from police attitudes around wearing body cameras Based on the research of Shefali Patil…

Marketers Move the Needle for Entrepreneurs
Can a marketer have a measurable impact on a small business? A field experiment in Africa quantifies, at last, how…

Startups Lose Innovative Edge Under Corporate Funding
When an established tech company invests in a startup, innovation suffers Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro Jr. When a…

How to Strengthen Your Network
A communication expert’s advice for connecting with new people in our virtual times There’s an overused phrase that it’s not…

Changes to Vaccine Contracts Could Save Lives Worldwide
By retooling the way vaccines are paid for, health organizations could incentivize pharmaceutical companies to get more doses to poorer…

COVID-19 Under a Business Microscope
As the globe continues to tackle a historic health threat, Texas McCombs researchers are studying business, drug approvals, and more…