Research and Insights from Texas McCombs

UT Goes Big: The Year of AI
The University of Texas at Austin has been a leader in artificial intelligence for more than 50 years — some…

Marketers Can Manage ‘Feature Creep’
When consumers feel intimidated by too many features in a product, highlight their user-friendliness Based on the research of Wayne…

How AI Affects Our Sense of Self
And Why It Matters for Business by Gizem Yalcin Williams and Stefano PuntoniIllustration by Kacper Kiec If you ever took…

Q&A: Business Activism Brings Benefits and Blowback
Corporations have been taking more sociopolitical stands — but they may start choosing their battles more carefully Based on the…

To Combat Loneliness, Buy Experiences, Not Things
Spending on experiences boosts social connection more than spending on material things Based on the research of Amit Kumar Last…

In September, Securities Watchdogs Bark More, Bite Less
The SEC files more cases in September, right before a reporting deadline to Congress Based on the research of Matthew…

‘Free’ Delivery Plans Profit Both Retailers and Customers
Amazon and copycat retailers make money on subscription models, even when they lose money on shipping Based on the research…

When Choosing Co-Founders, Entrepreneurs Have a Gender Gap
Women use more flexible strategies than men do, balancing personal chemistry against credentials and experience Based on the research of…

Growth Mindset Teaching Helps Students Make the Grade
By focusing on potential to improve, teachers improve pass rates, especially for teens from low socioeconomic backgrounds Based on the…

Hail a Ride, Cut Hate Crime
The entry of Uber into markets leads to significant reduction in racial hate crimes across the country Based on the…

To Protect Brands, Immunize Consumers Against Bad News
Exposing customers to hypothetical negative news can keep them loyal when the real thing strikes Based on the research of…

To End Multinational Tax Dodging, Global Coordination Is Key
When a country cracks down on corporate taxes, domestic companies pay more, but multinationals pay less Based on the research of…

To Keep Volunteers, Connect Them
For struggling organizations, fostering social connections can help recruit and retain scarce volunteers Based on the research of Yifan Yu…

Corporations Use Government Grants To Lighten Debt Load
Government cash grants are a growing but under-disclosed source of corporate financing Based on the research of Lillian Mills and…

At Work, Online Communications Leave Impressions
From emails to Zoom meetings, how to make positive first impressions on co-workers, customers, and clients Based on the research of…

Prepare Workers To Weather Time Shocks
Building temporal resilience into jobs can help employees thrive when schedules turn upside down Based on the research of David Harrison…

Proposed Reporting System Could Help Avert Bank Runs
Strategic disclosure of both good and bad news can inform regulators without scaring depositors Based on the research of Ronghuo…

For Type II Diabetes Prevention, Tap Into AI
A model uses artificial intelligence to create better outcomes and save costs for prediabetic patients Based on the research of…

Entrepreneurs’ Stock Losses Bruise Their Businesses
Company growth stalls when an owner’s personal portfolio takes a hit Based on the research of Marius Ring When a recession…

Regulatory Tech Costs Can Have Benefits, Too
Billions spent on technology to comply with regulations can pay unexpected dividends Based on the Research of Zachary Kowaleski RegTech…

Why People Hate to Wait
A need for goal closure underlies frustration with waiting Based on the research of Annabelle Roberts Back in 1981, Tom Petty…

Startups’ Inventions Spur Other Companies To Innovate
Startups spark more innovations in emerging industries than established companies do Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro Jr. Startups…

In Health Care, Teams Work
Study on collaborative care is first to show measurable benefits for patients and hospitals Based on the research of Douglas…

Self-Driving Cars Let Retailers Bring the Store to You
When autonomous mobility meets mobile retail, sellers can expand their reach by going where their customers are Based on the…

AI Can Boost Service for Vulnerable Customers
Businesses can use artificial intelligence to identify and aid consumers who need extra help Based on the research of Gizem Yalcin…

When the CEO Is a Visionary
What happens if the board does not share the vision? Based on the research of Volker Laux The recent firing and…

11 Big Ideas in Business From 2023
Supermarkets imitate airline pricing, workers strategize about whom to gripe to, and watchdogs uncover $46 billion in COVID loan scams. Research…

The (Wrong) Reason We Keep Secrets
Revealing negative things about ourselves does not cause the damage we think it will Based on the research of Amit…

Uncovering COVID Loan Cons
How McCombs professors exposed online lenders for facilitating $64 billion in taxpayer rip-offs McCombs finance faculty members John Griffin and Sam…

Labor Dispute Disrupts Drivers but May Boost EVs
UAW strike could cripple the industry in the short term but reshape it in the long term Based on research by…

Underwriting Fraud Imperils Commercial Mortgage Bonds
Inflated underwriting could turn the reboot of commercial mortgage-backed securities into a crash Based on the research of John M. Griffin Sixteen…

How Do People Excuse Their Bad Actions?
Why humans use complex mental strategies to balance their moral bank accounts. A Q&A with Texas McCombs faculty members Robert…

Mentoring Goals
Texas McCombs researcher says mentorship is about making the most of human potential. McCombs Assistant Professor of Management Paul Green…

SEC Insider Trading Rule Has Loopholes
Rule 10b5–1 aims to limit inside trades in the C-suite. How well is it working? Based on the research of Robert Parrino…

New Research Tool Works When Control Groups Won’t
Where randomized experiments aren’t possible, researchers have a new statistical tool Based on the research of Kathleen Li Whether they’re studying…

Investors Want Climate Risk Disclosures
Accelerating climate change sparks greater interest in financial risks for public companies Based on the research of Laura Starks When people…

Keeping Health Care Prices High
Multihospital health systems with certain types of IT have an easier time tacitly colluding with their rivals to inflate prices Based…

Virtual Health Care Is Not Always the Answer
Telehealth can reduce costs and future doctor visits — for some diseases Based on the research of Indranil Bardhan Telehealth has been widely…

When Decentralization Does Not Last
Research on DAOs found what works — and what doesn’t Based on the research of Michael Sockin On today’s internet, decentralization has become…

What Makes Companies Choose Dark Money?
New research sheds light on the strategies corporations use to conceal their political activity Based on the research of Timothy…

Phone Lines of Connection
First-of-its-kind study examines phone communications’ web of social influence Based on the research of Yan Leng Do we follow the wider…

The Next Retail Revolution?
What if grocery stores set prices the way airlines and hotels do? Based on the research of Ioannis Stamatopoulis Associate Professor…

Tax Breaks for Innovation Pay Off
Capital investments grow in countries offering lower rates for new ideas Based on the research of Lisa De Simone As policymakers…

Harder Work Pays Off for Promotions
Managers prefer to promote hard workers — even if outside candidates are more qualified Based on the research of Eric Chan When…

Investors Miss Out When Tax Deals Are Concealed
Companies that get non-income tax breaks from state and local governments have higher sales and stock returns Based on the research…

You May Be Guilting Yourself Short in Salary Negotiations
Job seekers in the era of ‘social impact framing’ are afraid to ask for higher pay Based on the research of…

Experts Identify 5 Ways to Address Texas’ Housing Affordability Crisis
Texas ranks 49th in the nation on state spending for housing Driven by inflation, high demand, rising property taxes, and…

How AI Can Reveal Corporate Tax Avoidance
By applying natural language processing to annual reports, researchers found clues to corporate tax avoidance strategies. Based on the research…