McCombs Cracks Top 10 for Faculty Research

Faculty research hits historic high in Financial Times MBA ranking

McCombs Cracks Top 10 for Faculty Research Rankings Evergreen 1200 x 800 px 1

McCombs’ faculty research leaped 10 spots to No. 10 worldwide in the Financial Times’ release of its Global MBA Rankings for 2025, a historic high for McCombs reaching back to 1999. 

The top spot for research went to the University of Pennsylvania, with Columbia University and the University of Chicago tying for second place.

Faculty Research is the third weightiest component (10%) of the 21 used in the MBA ranking, behind percentage of salary increase (16%) and salary three years post-graduation (16%). The Texas Full-Time Hildebrand MBA Program ranked No. 17 among U.S.-based programs, which was also a historic high in the overall ranking.

The Research ranking is calculated by tallying the number of articles published by full-time faculty members in 50 academic and practitioner journals from January 2022 to May 2024. The ranking combines the absolute number of publications with the number weighted relative to faculty size. McCombs faculty members authored or co-authored 200 publications during that period.