Texas McCombs Hits Top 20 Worldwide
McCombs lands at No. 19 in the inaugural Times Higher Education / Wall Street Journal MBA ranking.

The Texas McCombs Full-Time MBA program ranked No. 19 among two-year MBA programs in the inaugural Times Higher Education / Wall Street Journal (THE/WSJ) ranking survey.
Among U.S. programs, McCombs is No. 17.
The top three places went to Stanford, Cornell, and Vanderbilt, respectively, in a ranking designed to emphasize teaching excellence and student experience.
THE/WSJ queried 23,000 alumni from the classes of 2012, 2013, and 2015. More than 50 percent of the ranking weight relied on alumni opinions of their school’s resources, student engagement, teaching environment, and outcomes.
Among ranking components, McCombs was strongest relative to other schools in student outcomes, which includes salary, the program’s impact on careers, entrepreneurial environment, the perceived worth of the degree, and participation in the alumni network and in non-profit activities.
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