Texas McCombs Business Outlook Event in Dallas To Focus on Geopolitical Risk

Experts will explore paths forward in today’s complex geopolitical climate at the 2024 Business Outlook meeting Jan. 18 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Hosted by Dean Lillian Mills of The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business, the event includes breakfast and networking. McCombs alumni and the Dallas business community are invited.
Mills will moderate a panel of economic, academic, and industry leaders to consider key questions related to how businesses can navigate increasingly disruptive geopolitical risks. They will also discuss the current economic cycle, offer predictive insights for the Texas economy this year and beyond, and report on how today’s most competitive businesses are staying ahead of industry fluctuations.
Panelists are George Seay (UT B.A. ’89, MBA ’98), chair of Annandale Capital LLC, an investment management firm; Rachel L. Wellhausen, associate professor of government at The University of Texas at Austin and renowned researcher on international political economy issues; and Mark A. Wynne, a vice president, associate director of research, and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas’ Globalization Institute.
The Dallas event kicks off the annual McCombs Business Outlook series, presented in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. In addition to considering geopolitical risks, this year’s series, “Focus on the Future,” will host an event in Houston on health care, and in San Antonio on defense.
“We’re delighted to facilitate these vital conversations,” said Mills. “Our vision is to offer business communities in Texas a chance to glean lessons from 2023 and to gain inspiration and confidence to move forward.”
Registration is open and space is limited. For information about purchasing a table, contact alumni@mccombs.utexas.edu.
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