Texas McCombs Accounting No. 1 for the 10th Year
McCombs has once again taken first place in Public Accounting Report’s undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral rankings.

Undergraduate Ranking: No. 1
For 28 years in a row, Texas McCombs has placed first or second in this ranking. Second place went to the school’s only undergraduate rival, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, followed by Brigham Young University in third.
Master’s Ranking: No. 1
McCombs has led the nation at the master’s level (Texas McCombs MPA) in 25 out of the past 26 surveys. BYU jumped ahead of Illinois to take second place this year, leaving Illinois in third.
Doctoral Ranking: No. 1
For the 11th year in a row, McCombs has now taken the No. 1 spot at the Ph.D. level and has landed among the top four every year since 1994. Stanford jumped this year to the No. 2 spot, bumping Chicago to fourth. Illinois held steady at No. 3.
Further Accolades
As they have done sporadically in the past, the PAR this year presented rankings of the three same categories with the votes of faculty who vote for their own schools removed. McCombs still hit No. 1 across all three categories.
Nearly 1,000 accounting professors from approximately 200 U.S. colleges and universities offering accounting degrees participated this past spring in the 38th Annual Professors Survey. For the three program levels, faculty participants are asked to rank five accounting programs at U.S. colleges and universities that “consistently turn out graduates who are capable of becoming accounting firm partners in the future.”
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