McCombs’ EMBA Hits New High in U.S. Ranking

The Texas McCombs EMBA landed at No. 8 in Poets & Quants’ latest ranking of executive MBA programs.

McCombs’ EMBA Hits New High in U.S. Ranking mccombs emba hits new high in u s ranking img 661db08fac594

The Texas McCombs Executive MBA Program achieved a new all-time high, ranking eighth in the U.S., in the lastest EMBA ranking from Poets & Quants for Executives.

The top three contenders were, respectively, the University of Chicago, Northwestern, and Michigan.

Among public schools, McCombs was one of three universities in the top 10, which included Michigan (3) and UCLA (5).

P&Q’s EMBA ranking debuted in 2011, appearing annually through 2014 and sporadically thereafter. Unlike other ranking institutions, P&Q assesses the overall reputation of programs by averaging together the three latest ratings of EMBA programs by U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times, and The Economist. Schools are penalized when not represented in all three rankings.