Business Outlook 2019: Houston
Join Dean Jay Hartzell hosting a conversation with top C-level execs in energy and transportation. The second of four statewide events: Austin, (Jan. 18); Houston (Jan. 23); San Antonio (Jan. 31); and Dallas (Feb. 7). See below for more information and registration for individual tickets and tables.

2019 Business Outlook Series — Houston
7:00 a.m. — 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Houston Branch
1801 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas 77019
While we have enjoyed one of the longest expansions of the stock market on record, what’s the risk to a downturn in the economy in 2019 — especially in this volatile geopolitical environment and challenging market conditions?
For the seventh consecutive year, the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas collaborate on a high-level informative and business networking event for the Houston business community.
Join us on January 23, 2019 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas — Houston Branch, as Dean Jay Hartzell hosts a conversation with top C-level Houston executives in energy and transportation. Register Today.
You’ll hear how they manage their business, given the uncertain economy. And get an insider’s perspective on how they drive innovation in their industry — including significant and potentially disruptive challenges they face, as well as their plans for capitalizing on trending opportunities. A Federal Reserve economist will present a business forecast on key industry sectors driving Texas’ economy. And there will be plenty of time for productive Q&A.
January 23, 2019 Houston
Registration deadline: January 15, 2019
$40 individual + $5.25 service fee
$320 table of 9 + $5.25 service fee
$25 current student + $5.25 service fee. Discount Code: OUTLOOKHTX25

Janiece Longoria has served as the Chairman of the Port of Houston Authority, the leading economic engine for the greater Houston region since she was unanimously appointed by the City of Houston and County of Harris on January 8, 2013.
Longoria chairs the Port Commission’s Audit Committee, Community Relations Committee, and serves on the Governance Committee and Pension and Benefits Committee. She also created the Citizens Advisory Council to foster open communication between communities in and around the Port of Houston and the Port Commission.
Longoria is also a Regent for the University of Texas System that oversees the flagship University of Texas at Austin, as well as eight other academic institutions and six health care institutions including MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
She also serves on the board of directors of Superior Energy Services, Inc., a public company based in Houston, on the board of the Dallas Federal Reserve, Houston Division, the Texas Medical Center, the Greater Houston Partnership and MD Anderson Services Corporation.
Longoria has received numerous honors and recognitions including the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Texas, the President’s Citation for exemplary service from the University of Texas, the Distinguished Alumnus Award for Community Service from the Universities of Texas School of Law, and the Sandra Day O’Connor Award for Board Excellence.
She was named Maritime Person of the Year by the Greater Houston Port Bureau in 2017. She received the Female Executive of the Year Award from the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (2010), and has been recognized as a “breakthrough woman” and inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce. She is a frequent speaker on the importance of Port Houston, transportation, infrastructure, and leadership.
Longoria is an honors graduate of the University of Texas and received her J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law in 1979.

Scott Prochazka is president and chief executive officer of CenterPoint Energy, a recognized leader in delivering natural gas and electricity within the continental United States. CenterPoint Energy is a Fortune 500 company with more than $20 billion in assets, 5.5 million customers across six states and owns the majority of Enable Midstream Partners. Prochazka has been with CenterPoint Energy since October 2001.
Prior to his current role, Prochazka served in several other roles, including the chief operating officer with responsibility for all business units and several key functions, division president of Houston Electric and as senior division vice president of Gas Operations. In these roles, he had broad responsibility for operating and financial performance of each respective group.
Prochazka has also served as division vice president for Customer Services and Support Operations overseeing the provision of services common to the business units — such as call centers, credit & collections, billing, fleet management, and other services. Additionally, he has held roles as division vice president for Houston Gas Operations and as executive director of the Corporate Strategic Planning group.
Before joining CenterPoint Energy, Prochazka worked for Dow Chemical from January 1989 to October 2001 where he held roles in sales, purchasing, product management, asset management, supply chain management, strategy development, and new business development.
Prochazka is a past chairman of the Southeastern Electric Exchange, as well as the Texas Gas Association. He is a prior board member of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). Prochazka is active today as Chairman of Gridwise Alliance (GWA), an executive committee board member of Junior Achievement of South East Texas (JASET), the Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) and Central Houston Inc. He is a board member of the United Way of Houston, Edison Electric Institute (EEI), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the American Gas Association (AGA) and the Kinder Institute Advisory Board.
Prochazka is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin where he earned a BS in Chemical Engineering.

Mine Kuban Yücel is senior vice president and senior research advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. She joined the Bank in 1989 and has previously served as director of research, head of the micro/regional/energy group and director of publications. She is an expert on regional and energy issues and has published numerous articles on energy and regional growth.
Yücel is president of the National Association for Business Economics. She serves on the board of the Global Interdependence Center, and the University of Texas at Dallas Energy Board. She was president of the International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) in 2011 and president of the United States Association of Energy Economics (USAEE) in 2005. She has served on the executive boards of these two organizations, as well as Executive Women of Dallas, Dallas Area Business Economists, the Dallas Chapter of Women in Technology International, Inc. and the Greater Dallas Chamber’s Board of Economists. She received the USAEE Senior Fellow Award in 2007, the Energy Journal Best Paper Award in 2009 and the Outstanding Contributions to the IAEE Award in 2015.
Before joining the Bank, Yücel was an assistant professor of economics at Louisiana State University. She has a BS and MS in mathematics from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, and a Ph.D. in economics from Rice University in Houston.

Jay C. Hartzell is the 12th dean of the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, one of the largest and most distinguished business schools in the country. He joined UT in 2001 after teaching at New York University’s Stern School of Business, and prior to his current role, he held several key administrative roles at the McCombs School. His most notable positions include his service as the senior associate dean for Academic Affairs, chair of the Finance Department, and executive director of the McCombs School’s Real Estate Finance and Investment Center.
Hartzell holds the Centennial Chair in Business Education Leadership and the Trammell Crow Regents Professorship in Business. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration and Economics (cum laude) from Trinity University and a Ph.D. in Finance from The University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on real estate finance, corporate finance and corporate governance. His articles have been published in the leading journals in the field, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Real Estate Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies. Hartzell serves on the editorial board of Real Estate Economics, and he served as an associate editor of the Review of Financial Studies, and as a member of the board of directors of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association. In addition to his academic experience, Hartzell previously worked as a consultant with Hewitt Associates.
January 23, 2019 Houston
Registration deadline: January 15, 2019
$40 individual + $5.25 service fee
$320 table of 9 + $5.25 service fee
$25 current student + $5.25 service fee. Discount Code: OUTLOOKHTX25

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