8 Business Lessons We Learned in 2020
Facebook can more quickly warn of fake news; how the FDA can speed up drug approvals; and why we should pick up the phone more often.

During a year of challenges, Texas McCombs experts had plenty of opportunities to address our biggest problems with innovative solutions and creative insights. Read about some of the most timely research and ideas from the McCombs School of Business.
It Only Takes Seconds to Alert Facebook Users to Fake News
Amid a pandemic and looming election, curbing misinformation is urgent.
New Era Requires New Approach to Drug Approvals
With a coming flood of new drugs to fight COVID-19, a study suggests innovative ways for the Food and Drug Administration to speed up the approval process.
When We Fear an Awkward Phone Call, We Often Turn to Text
Why making an “uncomfortable” call may be good for our interpersonal connections — and health.
Using Moral Imagination to Fight the Coronavirus
Why thinking about others can help us overcome COVID-19.
Students Who Flex Their Brains Do Better in School
Teaching high schoolers a simple technique improves their academic performance, research shows.
For Big Funds, Changing Climate Means Changing Portfolios
A new poll reveals action on climate change is coming from an unexpected source: institutional investors.
Although marketing remains largely frozen in the 2010s, research shows growing companies are busting boundaries.
To Demotivate Your Workers, Connect Pay to Hours Clocked
Employees of all ability levels regard pay based solely on hours worked as unfair.
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