12 Business Lessons We Learned in 2022
Social sharing leads to false expertise, attractive auditors get more jobs, and marketing expertise makes for entrepreneurial success.

Business faculty members at Texas McCombs lent their expertise to a wide variety of issues during the past year.
As 2022 wraps up, we’re looking back at a dozen of the most important examples of research and ideas from the McCombs School of Business.
I Share, Therefore I Know
Sharing articles on social media, even when we haven’t read them, can lead us to believe we are experts on a topic.
Auditing Committees Hire Handsome Partners
Does your audit committee lack Big Four experience? They’re more likely to select an outside auditor for their good looks.
Reached Your Entrepreneurial Limit? Hire a Marketer
New research shows marketing specialists drive growth for small businesses and early-stage ventures.
Rule of Law Protects National Economies
When employers and the courts consistently keep promises, workers keep the economy on an even keel.
Want to Stress-Proof Your Office? Let Workers Show Their True Colors
Workplace friendships suffered during the pandemic, but trust mitigated the damage, according to new research.
Execs Passed Over for CEO Find Better Jobs
Those who lose out as chief executive often move on — and up — with another company, new research shows.
Knowledge-Diverse Work Teams Benefit from Fluid Hierarchies
Shifting member influence benefits diverse teams’ problem solving, but not among homogeneous groups, according to new research.
Female Execs Hone Customer Strategy
Women in leadership boost customer satisfaction and financials — especially in certain environments.
Tweeting Their Way to Higher Pay
C-level executives can advance job prospects through personal branding on social media, study shows.
Genders Should Unite for Workplace Equity
Managers give more support to gender equity and women’s advancement when men become allies.
A Little Good Goes Farther Than You Think
People are touched by small kindnesses and led to greater generosity, new research shows.
Work Teams With More Freedom Perform Better
Software teams improve productivity and customer satisfaction when companies take a hands-off approach.
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