Creating a Legacy
Holly Goodrich, MBA ’04, shows how estate planning benefits students of tomorrow

Holly Goodrich, MBA ’04, nourishes a steady loyalty toward fellow McCombs students and alums. In 2015, she was among elite New York finance executives who helped establish a pipeline for McCombs students to New York finance careers, Wall Street for McCombs, emphasizing the importance of having “an alum in the seat saying, ‘You’ve got to look at Texas.’”
So, it comes as little surprise that she continues to put her money where her heart is. Goodrich explains that while doing estate planning, her counselor asked her what she was passionate about. She immediately thought about her connection to UT and “asked whether [she] could write into her will to continue giving to Texas and the McCombs School.”
Goodrich says the process was surprisingly easy, particularly after talking with Wendy Anderson and Byron Liles, the McCombs endowment and estate planning officers.
“I realized that the best way to proceed was to add a certain percentage to my existing endowments,” Goodrich explains, referring to two endowments she has set up for business students. “It makes tremendous sense if you want your legacy to continue in things you have already established.”Goodrich says that she finds peace knowing her estate planning is covered and her future endowments to the university are well taken care of according to her desires.
Such planned giving is a powerful way to benefit the McCombs School of Business. A planned gift works in favor of both the giver and the recipients, including many tax advantages for the donor, with money flowing to deserving students.
Alumni donors who include UT Austin in their estate plans qualify for Texas Leadership Society membership, recognizing significant contributions that support the McCombs School’s vision.
— David Wenger
Take Action
Learn how to set up an endowment or an estate plan.
This story appeared in the Fall 2023 issue of McCombs magazine.
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