Big Ideas

Business Activism Brings Benefits and Blowback
Corporations may start choosing their battles more carefully
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Securities Watchdogs Bark More, Bite Less
SEC files more cases in September, right before a reporting deadline to Congress
Read MoreSecurities Watchdogs Bark More, Bite Less
A New Tack for Slack: Motivate Workers
Managers can boost everyone’s productivity by praising successful workers in company-wide messaging
Read MoreA New Tack for Slack: Motivate Workers 
When Should Humans Override AI?
Asking AI to explain its reasons does not always help humans make better decisions
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Resilient Organizations Make Relationships a Priority
Leaders indifferent to how employees get along could be putting their organizations at risk
Read MoreResilient Organizations Make Relationships a Priority
Worth the Wait?
A Desire for Closure Influences People’s Choices: A Q&A with Annabelle Roberts, Assistant Professor of Marketing by Suzi Morales One…

Startups Spur Other Companies To Innovate
Fledgling companies outdo established businesses when it comes to accelerating the development of new technologies. What They Studied To examine…

Self-Driving Vehicles Bring the Store to You
With Autonomous Vehicles, Sellers Expand Their Reach Going Right to Their Customers Based on the Research of Junyu Cao Autonomous…

Uncovering COVID-19 Loan Fraud Schemes
How 2 McCombs Researchers Exposed Online Lenders Based on the Research of John Griffin and Samuel Kruger As John Griffin…

Regulatory Tech Costs Can Have Benefits, Too
Though often considered a drain on the economy, regtech — technology that helps companies comply with government regulations — can…