Whinston, Andrew

Year-End Roundup

To Detect Evasive CEOs, Use AI

A New Tack for Slack: Motivate Workers

On Facebook Ads, Users May Dislike ‘Likes’
Lots of ‘likes’ can lead to fewer clicks — depending on who does the liking Based on the research of…

Hail a Ride, Cut Hate Crime
The entry of Uber into markets leads to significant reduction in racial hate crimes across the country Based on the…

Tweeting Their Way to Higher Pay
C-level executives can advance job prospects through personal branding on social media, study shows. Based on the research of Andrew Whinston…

Facing the Future
After decades studying technology, a researcher predicts what’s next in AI, bitcoin, and the post-pandemic workplace The future has been…

Don’t Be Rude: Polite Answers Favored by Online Questioners
Civil replies beat confrontational ones when answering other online readers Based on the research of Andrew Whinston Spend some time online…

Movie Studios Build Buzz With Fake Film Tweets
It’s movie night. Which film should you see? Your decision might be swayed by fake tweets from studios. Based on the…

In Social Media Age, New Products Need New Marketing Ideas
Consumers often look to other consumers before deciding to try a new product. But in the world of social networks,…

Cybersecurity Conundrum
McCombs experts weigh in on the growing digital threat. By Mary Ann Roser THE NEWS THAT Russians hacked the Democratic National…

Spam Shaming to Improve Cybersecurity
The effects of hacking can be dire for a company’s finances and reputation, but companies are loath to invest in…