Ward, Adrian

To Be Happier, Take a Vacation … From Your Smartphone

11 Big Ideas in Business From 2023
Supermarkets imitate airline pricing, workers strategize about whom to gripe to, and watchdogs uncover $46 billion in COVID loan scams. Research…

How Do People Excuse Their Bad Actions?
Why humans use complex mental strategies to balance their moral bank accounts. A Q&A with Texas McCombs faculty members Robert…

I Share, Therefore I Know
Sharing articles on social media, even when we haven’t read them, can lead us to believe we are experts on…

We’re Not as Smart as Google Makes Us Think We Are
Looking up answers online can leave us overconfident about what we know Based on the research of Adrian Ward From the…

How Images Get Consumers to Time Travel
First-of-its-kind study looks at visual entropy’s connection to buying behavior Based on the research of Raj Raghunathan and Adrian Ward…

COVID-19 Under a Business Microscope
As the globe continues to tackle a historic health threat, Texas McCombs researchers are studying business, drug approvals, and more…

Vote McCombs for SXSW 2019
The University of Texas at Austin hopes to send business faculty and alumni experts as featured speakers — on everything from Blockchain…

Is Your Partner Wrecking Your Financial Literacy?
How relationship roles shape a lifetime of money know-how for better — or for worse Based on the research of Adrian Ward When…

Nine Business Lessons We Learned in 2017
We learned plenty in 2017: How to build a stronger business network, what technology means for the future of accounting,…

Is Your Smartphone Draining Your Brain?
Adrian Ward has dared to question everyone’s favorite tech device. His findings will doubtless open further inquiry and perhaps spur…