Stamatopoulis, Ioannis

Digital Labels Can Help Grocers Waste Less Food
Based on the research of Ioannis Stamatopoulos
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Year-End Roundup
Uber rides can decrease hate crimes, waits can be made less annoying, and AI can tackle big problems
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Infrastructure, Enforcement Key to Ridding Food Waste From Landfills
Of 9 states with food-waste laws, only Massachusetts has figured out the formula
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To Limit Losses, Focus on Links Between Big Banks
Regulating large institutions with overlapping assets is a more efficient way to make the whole financial system safer
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IoT Sensors Tattle on Stores That Neglect Promo Displays
Brands rely on promotional displays to boost sales of key products, but retail stores are not properly installing them Based…

The Next Retail Revolution?
What if grocery stores set prices the way airlines and hotels do? Based on the research of Ioannis Stamatopoulis Associate Professor…

Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Could Get a Boost by Tracking In-store Displays
Internet of things technology gives suppliers the ability to more efficiently monitor promotional displays — and boost profits Based on the research…