Srinivasan, Raji

Sorry, Siri: Drawbacks to Algorithms Sounding Too Human
In online marketing, consumers more readily forgive algorithm errors — unless the algorithm pretends to be human Based on the research of…

A Sense of Belonging
To meet the demands of corporate hiring — and to meet the current moment — McCombs works to cultivate a more representative student body…

Working Better Together
Organizations benefit from hiring workers of various backgrounds and abilities, says the dean for diversity and inclusion at Texas McCombs…

Bringing Everyone into the Conversation
An interview with Raji Srinivasan, McCombs’ first associate dean for Diversity and Inclusion This summer, Dean Jay Hartzell created a…

Gleaning Fresh Ideas From Your Board Members or Franchisees
Companies invest significant resources to come up with innovative new products. Two new studies suggest less costly alternatives: franchisees and…

The Right Ticker Symbol Can Mean Bigger Stock Returns
Some ticker symbols are easily recognizable while others look more like alphabet soup. New research says the right combination of…

Beyond the Brothel: Can We Break the Global Human Trafficking Cycle?
Human trafficking is a global epidemic that claims millions of women and children as victims, and its reach extends far…

The See-Food Diet: How Transparent Packaging Affects Eating Habits
Certain foods are more tempting when they come in clear packaging, while others are more popular when presented in paper…