Kumar, Amit

Research Awards & A Special Thank You!

Year-End Roundup

To Combat Loneliness, Buy Experiences, Not Things
Spending on experiences boosts social connection more than spending on material things Based on the research of Amit Kumar Last…

The (Wrong) Reason We Keep Secrets
Revealing negative things about ourselves does not cause the damage we think it will Based on the research of Amit…

A Little Good Goes Farther Than You Think
People are touched by small kindnesses and led to greater generosity, new research shows Based on the research of Amit…

To Deepen Connections, Skip the Small Talk
Want to build relationships and feel happier? New research suggests we get personal Based on the research of Amit Kumar…

When We Fear an Awkward Phone Call, We Often Turn to Text
Why making an ‘uncomfortable’ call may be good for our interpersonal connections — and health Based on the research of Amit Kumar…

To Feel Happier Now, Spend on Doing Rather Than Having
Experiences lead to greater in-the-moment happiness for shoppers than buying material items, new research finds Based on the research of…

Building an Ethical Culture
Focusing employee attention on a company’s mission promotes workplace values Ethical scandals in business are often attributed to “bad apples”…

10 Tips for Business Success in 2019
Research tips from Texas McCombs will improve your workday and sharpen your focus. Last year’s business insights can lead to this…

Thanks, but No Thanks
Why we tend to withhold our gratitude, and why researchers say that needs to change. Based on the research of Amit Kumar…