Kruger, Samuel

Uncovering COVID-19 Loan Fraud Schemes
How 2 McCombs Researchers Exposed Online Lenders Based on the Research of John Griffin and Samuel Kruger As John Griffin…

Uncovering COVID Loan Cons
How McCombs professors exposed online lenders for facilitating $64 billion in taxpayer rip-offs McCombs finance faculty members John Griffin and Sam…

COVID ‘Motherhood Penalty’ Affects Academic Research Productivity
During lockdown, production of working research papers in economics and finance increased, except by women between the ages of 35…

Weighing in, in Heavy Times
How McCombs faculty members have advanced and elevated the national conversation around COVID-19 By Judie Kinonen and Mary Ann Roser With…

Loose Credit Led to Housing Price Bust
Excessive credit supply — not irrational buyer euphoria — was to blame for the 2003–2010 cycle, research shows Based on the research of John…

Cheaters in the Home and at Work
Marital infidelity and professional misconduct linked, study shows People who cheat on their spouses are significantly more likely to engage…