Chan, Eric

Faculty on the Rise
Eleven faculty members have been recommended for promotion in 2024 by UT President Jay Hartzell. The new positions are effective…

Faculty on the Rise
11 McCombs faculty members have been recommended for promotion this year Eleven faculty members at Texas McCombs have been recommended for…

Harder Work Pays Off for Promotions
Managers prefer to promote hard workers — even if outside candidates are more qualified Based on the research of Eric Chan When…

Execs Passed Over for CEO Find Better Jobs
Those who lose out as chief executive often move on — and up — with another company, new research shows. Based on the research of…

To Demotivate Your Workers, Connect Pay to Hours Clocked
Employees of all ability levels see pay solely based on their hours worked as unfair Based on the research of…

Why Do Nonprofits Misreport Their Financial Performance? It’s About Manager Pay
When you donate, your money often doesn’t support the nonprofit’s mission as much as it says it does. Based on the…

10 Tips for Business Success in 2019
Research tips from Texas McCombs will improve your workday and sharpen your focus. Last year’s business insights can lead to this…

Why Performance Rankings Can Backfire for Promotions
Ranking workers against one another can be good for business — except when they’re competing for a promotion. Based on the research…