Experience of Retiring Faculty Members Totals 175 Years
At the end of the summer this year, the Department of Accounting will be saying goodbye to three longtime faculty…

2 McCombs Teachers Picked As Best of 2023 by Poets & Quants
John Doggett, senior lecturer in the Department of Management, was named by Poets & Quants last fall as a favorite…

Trio Wins Best Paper Award at ISS Conference in October
Two professors and a student at the McCombs School of Business won one of two Information Systems Society Cluster Best…

Clement Selected for National Accounting Oversight Board
Longtime accounting professor Michael B. Clement, who is retiring this summer, has been named to the board of directors of…

Finance Professor Laura Starks is Named a Fellow of the EGCI
In recognition of her research and scholarship, Laura Starks, a professor of finance, was recently named a fellow of the…

Harmonizers Hum A Capella Hit the Road
Four McCombs students who are members of UT’s premier competitive South Asian fusion a cappella group, Hum A Capella, qualified…

Gen-Z Takeover Sparks Social Media Surge
This spring, Texas McCombs launched a unique initiative by enlisting student ambassadors for the first time to contribute to the…

Students Named Finalists for Outstanding Student Award
Two McCombs students — Scott Fonseka and Amelia Nickerson — were among the finalists in the Outstanding Student Award, a…

McCombs Wins National Women’s Case Competition
A trio of Texas McCombs students took the top prize for UT at this year’s National Women’s Case Competition. Finance…

Felix’s Famous Cookies: From Family Recipe to Nationwide Philanthropy
Since founding his company with his mother, freshman Felix Castillo has made giving back a central goal of the business.…