Disruptive Astronomer
In his role as vice president for research at The University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Daniel Jaffe has developed…

Our Electric Future
In a new multidisciplinary study, researchers find the answer to our electric future is blowing in the wind — and burning natural…

Q&A: New Study Finds Wind and Natural Gas Cheapest for New Power Plants
In a new multidisciplinary study, 23 UT researchers find the answer to our electric future is blowing in the wind — and…

Empowering Questions May Boost Employee Morale
Puts the focus on what works—not what’s not working. Based on the research of John Daly By Steve Brooks From classical…

Trump’s New Tax Plan Seeks to Avoid Hidden Costs of Amnesty
Research shows that one-time tax amnesties encourage more tax avoidance in the future. Will the new U.S. tax law change…

Desire to Declutter? Science Says Take a Picture First
Understanding our reluctance to let go of items with sentimental value may also benefit nonprofits that rely on a steady…

Innovation and Optimism Set Stage for Growth in 2018
With high oil prices and record low unemployment, the Texas economy rebounded last year and will shift into higher gear…

Robert B. Rowling Hall Advances the Future of Business Education at UT
The newest learning center on the UT Austin campus houses graduate programs of Texas McCombs, including the MBA and the…

Bitcoin Is Hip, Cool, and Nothing New
Cryptocurrencies are technologically alluring and addictingly cool. History tells us neither quality makes bitcoin a wise investment — a lesson illustrated by…

Caught In the Moment
Recent grads share once-in-a-lifetime moments from commencement As told to Kim Brown More than 1,600 students graduated last spring from…