Vote McCombs for SXSW 2019
The University of Texas at Austin hopes to send business faculty and alumni experts as featured speakers — on everything from Blockchain…

Politicians Who Pass on PACs Get More From CEOs
Business PACs have gotten a bad name, but banning their campaign contributions could have worse side effects. Candidates who refused…

Professor John Griffin Named VP of Western Finance Association
Finance Professor John Griffin McCombs School of Business Professor John Griffin has been named vice president of the Western Finance Association,…

In Social Media Age, New Products Need New Marketing Ideas
Consumers often look to other consumers before deciding to try a new product. But in the world of social networks,…

To Sell Spicy Food, Appeal to Aggression
As Americans’ taste buds grow more adventurous, they’re getting fonder of spicy food. How can marketers more effectively appeal to…

Is Your Partner Wrecking Your Financial Literacy?
How relationship roles shape a lifetime of money know-how for better — or for worse Based on the research of Adrian Ward When…

Professor Leigh McAlister Earns Marketing Science Fellow Award
Leigh McAlister holds her award McCombs School of Business Professor Leigh McAlister earned the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Fellow Award…

Rowling Hall: The Vision
Through collaboration between university educators, architects, alumni, students, and business leaders, five core themes were identified that would set the…

Inspiring Thought
UT’s Landmarks Program on José Parlá’s Rowling Hall Mural By Jeremy M. Simon José Parlá at work on “Amistad América.” From…

Remarkable Rowling
New graduate building puts Texas McCombs in its rightful place—connecting the school to Austin’s vibrant business community By Jeremy M.…