Business Outlook 2019: Houston
Join Dean Jay Hartzell hosting a conversation with top C-level execs in energy and transportation. The second of four statewide…
Business Outlook 2019: Austin
Join Dean Eric Hirst hosting a conversation with top C-level execs in health care and technology. The first of four…
Texas McCombs Reaches Historic High in Global MBA Ranking
McCombs cracks the top 25 in The Economist’s ranking of MBAs worldwide The Texas McCombs MBA jumped 10 spots to…
Political Misfits in the Workplace
Being the only conservative or liberal political voice at work can determine how long employees stick around. Based on the research…
To Boost App Sales, Reconsider the Free Versions
Most mobile apps entice new users with free versions, hoping they’ll like them enough to buy paid versions. That strategy…
Improve Your Company’s Social Reputation, and Investors Will Notice
There’s good news for companies with bad reputations for social responsibility, finds a new study from Texas McCombs Based on…
How to Pitch An Idea Your Boss Will Like
Too often, workers get encouraged to make suggestions, only to have them fall on deaf ears Based on the research…
How to Handle Political Disputes With Co-Workers
Love your job, but can’t handle the political viewpoints from your colleagues? Four ways to cope when the discussion gets heated.…
MSBA Hits No. 3 in World, MSM No. 7
Four master’s programs at McCombs hit high marks in the 2019 QS Global Masters Rankings and Global MBA Rankings The…
The Origins of AI
The hidden figures of artificial intelligence, as explained by Associate Professor James Scott, co-author of a new book tracing the…