What’s the Frequency? Quarterly Reporting Aids Investors
When companies issue financial statements more often, investors do better at predicting future earnings Based on the research of Yong…
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On Facebook Ads, Users May Dislike ‘Likes’
Lots of ‘likes’ can lead to fewer clicks — depending on who does the liking Based on the research of…
For Metro Governments, Bigger May Not be Economically Better
Metro areas with more local governments have higher property values and wages Based on the research of John Hatfield When…
Vote for McCombs Speakers for SXSW 2025
Faculty experts have the chance to represent McCombs at next year’s festival through the SXSW Panel Picker Every year, South…
Social Responsibility Audits Can Bias Financial Ones
When the same firm does both kinds of reviews, a company may push for less stringent financial reports Based on…
McCombs Goes for Gold
100,000 Citations on Google Scholar
Global Investment Leader
Global investment expert Edward Ho joins McCombs Center for Global Business Advisory Board The Center for Global Business at the…
Kathleen Li Receives 2023 Frank M. Bass Best Paper Award
Honor recognizes outstanding research in marketing The Society for Marketing Science has awarded the 2023 Frank M. Bass Dissertation Paper…