Texas Executive MBA Cracks Top 10 in U.S.
McCombs rose to No. 10 in the U.S. in the Financial Times’ 2020 Executive MBA Ranking McCombs’ Executive MBA program…

The Real You
McCombs alum and NFL veteran Sam Acho shares stories from his new book on bringing your authentic self to work…

Why Do Nonprofits Misreport Their Financial Performance? It’s About Manager Pay
When you donate, your money often doesn’t support the nonprofit’s mission as much as it says it does. Based on the…

Sellers Who Disclose Prices Can Maximize Profits
To drive up sales, dealers should disclose price at the start of a negotiation Based on the research of Sebastian…

Why You’re Unlikely to Hear About a Company’s Bad Behavior
Oil spill repeat offenders are less likely to receive attention, new research shows Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro…

Three MS Programs Hit Top 5 Status, MBA Rises to 17th
McCombs hits high marks in the 2021 QS Global Business Masters Rankings The McCombs School of Business again took high…

To Gain Business Skills, Embrace a Learning Mindset
Staying home offers an opportunity for online education, say business professors Feeling isolated at home? When it comes to learning,…

Viral Videos Get a Boost From Sharing Big
Want your videos to go viral? Expand your platforms. Based on the research of Vijay Mahajan Brands that want their…

Texas McCombs BBA No. 5 in 2021 U.S. News Rankings
McCombs’ undergraduate program maintained its top rank, including 12 business specialties ranked in the top 10 The McCombs School of…

Stimulus masks deeper economic issues
Real effects of downturn still on the horizon, Austin analyst says (left to right) Jon Hockenyos, president of economic analysis firm…