Nursing Texas back to economic health
Experts at a pair of McCombs Business Forecast events offer prescriptions and prognoses for Texas’ ailing economy By Judie Kinonen Dr.…

Texas McCombs Sixth in Graduate Entrepreneurship Says Princeton Review
McCombs jumped five ranks in this latest measure of startup excellence The McCombs School of Business placed No. 6 in…

Marketers Move the Needle for Entrepreneurs
Can a marketer have a measurable impact on a small business? A field experiment in Africa quantifies, at last, how…

Poised Pioneer
First African-American BBA graduate recalls tougher times By Selah Maya Zighelboim Peggy Drake Holland, BBA ’63, says she stepped onto the…

Startups Lose Innovative Edge Under Corporate Funding
When an established tech company invests in a startup, innovation suffers Based on the research of Francisco Polidoro Jr. When a…

How to Strengthen Your Network
A communication expert’s advice for connecting with new people in our virtual times There’s an overused phrase that it’s not…

Changes to Vaccine Contracts Could Save Lives Worldwide
By retooling the way vaccines are paid for, health organizations could incentivize pharmaceutical companies to get more doses to poorer…

Top Rankings for Texas McCombs in Financial Times
McCombs again hit the top 20 among U.S. MBA programs with faculty research taking No. 12 worldwide. Texas McCombs achieved…

COVID-19 Under a Business Microscope
As the globe continues to tackle a historic health threat, Texas McCombs researchers are studying business, drug approvals, and more…

Paying It Forward
McCombs alumni establish endowments for the school John C. Goff, BBA ’77, shared with Mark Roberts, the new executive director of…