McCombs School of Business

McCombs School of Business

Laying a Sound Foundation Email Version SaraToynbee 0089

Laying a Sound Foundation

Assistant Professor Sara Toynbee shares insights from her time teaching Accounting Concepts, a course for first-year integrated Master in Professional Accounting students.
Eric Chan

Department News

BBA Faculty Honor Roll recipients are chosen by the students of the Undergraduate Business Council based on outstanding prior semester…

Mitch Bramlett, BBA ’92, MPA ’92, and Rod Adams, PwC’s advisory people & inclusion leader, show Longhorn pride during a campus visit last spring.

Corralling Longhorns Into Their Dream Jobs

It was a lucky coin toss that brought Mitch Bramlett, BBA ’92, MPA ’92, to PwC more than 30 years ago. But it’s his passion for mentoring that has since brought dozens of other Texas McCombs accounting alumni to that Big Four firm.
Steve Kachelmeier

Optimistic Outlook

Department Chair Steven Kachelmeier highlights some of the department's recent achievements and predicts another remarkable year for the nation's top program.