Takeaways from SXSW 2024
Each spring, the world comes to Austin. A first-time attendee recaps her experience at Austin’s landmark festival and conference The…

Corporations Use Government Grants To Lighten Debt Load
Government cash grants are a growing but under-disclosed source of corporate financing Based on the research of Lillian Mills and…

At Work, Online Communications Leave Impressions
From emails to Zoom meetings, how to make positive first impressions on co-workers, customers, and clients Based on the research of…

Winning in Business
What auto racing can teach leaders about how to compete and win in today’s dynamic business world. The 22-story Circuit…

Prepare Workers To Weather Time Shocks
Building temporal resilience into jobs can help employees thrive when schedules turn upside down Based on the research of David Harrison…

Texas McCombs @ SXSW 2024
McCombs alumni and affiliates are taking the stage to showcase their talents, creativity, and expertise at South by Southwest. Be…

Faculty on the Rise
11 McCombs faculty members have been recommended for promotion this year Eleven faculty members at Texas McCombs have been recommended for…

Proposed Reporting System Could Help Avert Bank Runs
Strategic disclosure of both good and bad news can inform regulators without scaring depositors Based on the research of Ronghuo…

For Type II Diabetes Prevention, Tap Into AI
A model uses artificial intelligence to create better outcomes and save costs for prediabetic patients Based on the research of…

Hegi Family Gift Finances One-of-a-Kind Private Equity Course
Brian Hegi, MBA ’04, is the co-founder and managing partner of Crossplane Capital, a private equity firm. The Hegi family,…